Zefirus Pro Endocrin 100 ml


  • Description

    Glycerin macerate (stabilizer: vegetable glycerol, ethyl alcohol, water, part of fresh plant) of: Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) young shoots, Mountain pine (Pinus Montana Mill.) Buds, Tamarisk (Tamerix gallica L.) young shoots, Linden (Tilia tomentosa Moench) buds, Red vine (Vitis vinifera L.) buds.

    Daily content of vegetable ingredients
    Raspberry young shoots 24.75 mg, Mountain pine buds 24.75 mg, Tamerica young shoots 24.75 mg, Linden buds 24.75 mg, Red vine buds 24.75 mg.

    Recommended daily dose
    A teaspoon (2.5 ml) 3 times a day between meals.


    This remedy acts, balancing it, on the liver-pancreas-spleen axis which, according to ancient tradition, leads to the formation of the “black bile” or “melancholy” mood.

    According to the ancient Masters, it generates all that is solid, all that is matter, such as bones, teeth, joint structures, tendons, muscles, organs, skin, hair and hematopoiesis. Furthermore, good governance of the psyche is attributed to melancholy.

    The fathers of Traditional Mediterranean Medicine attributed to its imbalance the “bad constructions” such as the fragility of bones and teeth, the anemia or the growth of abnormal structures (bone deformities, fibroids, etc …), the problems related to the cycle menstrual, as well as diseases of the psyche and disorders of character and emotions.